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Color Blindness

Your constantly-updated definition of Color Blindness and collection of topical content and literature

What is Color Blindness?

What is Color Blindness?

Color blindness is the inability to distinguish certain colors. UX accessibility audits often include testing visual designs for colour-blind accessibility.

Color blindness, or color vision deficiency, affects around 10% of men but roughly 1% of women. A few types of color blindness exist, most commonly red-green color blindness, or deuteranomaly. 

Tritanopia is another, much less common form of color blindness. The forms of color blindness vary by severity and the affected color receptors in the eye.  People with red-green color blindness couldn't see the number 5 in the image below.

Ishihara color blindness test showing the numeral 5.

Here is an example of what color blindness might look like:

© Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

Designing for Color Blindness

When creating visual elements for a design, accessibility is essential. Designers should test color choices and visuals to check if the design is accessible for people with all types of color blindness.

Learn More About Color Blindness

Literature on Color Blindness

Here’s the entire UX literature on Color Blindness by the Interaction Design Foundation, collated in one place:

Learn more about Color Blindness

Take a deep dive into Color Blindness with our course The Ultimate Guide to Visual Perception and Design .

Human vision is an amazing ability; we are capable of interpreting our surroundings so as to interact safely and accurately with little conscious effort. However, we are well attuned to nature and things that occur naturally in our environment, which has significant implications for design. Unless man-made products are attuned to, and support, human visual perception, the viewing experience suffers and there is significant potential that users will be unable to use your products quickly, safely, or without error. For this reason, it is essential that we investigate how we see the world and why we see things in the way we do in order to know what we can do to ensure our products provide the best viewing experience possible. This is why we have developed “The Ultimate Guide to Visual Perception and Design,” and why it is such an important topic for designers to master.

For those of us who are blessed with good eyesight, we seldom consider it. That’s why going off to investigate the whys and hows involved is a little like trying to get behind the wind for the sake of finding the exact spot where it comes from. Happily, getting to the bottom of the phenomena involved in visual perception is a lot less laborious, and perhaps infinitely more fascinating. During the course, we will first cover the basic anatomy of the human eye so as to understand how vision is formed. We will then look at lots of different designs, evaluating each one according to specific aspects of the human visual experience. We will also identify how we can improve designs to support human vision better and improve usability as a direct result. Using the knowledge it imparts earlier on, this course will then analyze the design of icons in screen-based interfaces.

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